

Everyday training.

Now that rehab is over, it’s time for rehab – at home. THERA-Trainer opens the door for patients to a therapeutically guided, effective and comfortable training experience.



A perfect match.

Professional therapy equipment for training at home.

Long-term, intensive physiotherapy is an essential part of the rehabilitation process. However, in addition to conventional therapy, patients still need additional daily training to maintain and further improve their motor functions, strength, balance and coordination. The THERA-Trainer home training concept provides an effective and convenient way for patients to engage in an evidence-based supplemental training. The therapist supervises, the patient is both motivated and engaged in exercising more.

“The real journey back to life after illness or accident begins with a daily training routine at home. Rehabilitation technology makes this possible.”


Özge Demirezen

Physiotherapist, Clinical Expert


For daily workout.

How can your patients get a THERA-Trainer?

THERA-Trainer products such as mobi, tigo and balo can be perfectly used for daily exercise at home. They are designed to be safe and effective for people with various physical conditions, including people suffering from stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other conditions.


Are you taking the leap and want to get a THERA-Trainer for home use? Please contact us – we will support you. Our goal: A THERA-Trainer in every home for all those who need it most.

Make it work.

Check out our guides to ongoing rehabilitation for patients at home.

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Try for yourself.

You want to experience THERA-Trainer in the clinic, practice or at home? Arrange a free demo now.

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Made for patients.

Explore how THERA-Trainer can help you motivate your patients for rehab at home.

THERA-Trainer complete solutions are the consistent implementation of evidence-based, clinically proven rehabilitation pathways. We will help you to find the perfect combination of our THERA-Trainer products for your patients requirements.

Patients benefits

What customers say about THERA-Trainer

Dr. Peter Grieshoder
Medical Director Clinic Judendorf Strassenge


The ease of use and robustness of the device are additional advantages of the THERA-Trainer movement trainer.

Martin Felgentreu
Physiotherapist, Clinical specialist Parkinson’s disease


Since movement therapy is a top priority in the therapy of Parkinson’s disease in addition to drug treatment, we use THERA-Trainer cycling machines very regularly and intensively.

Monika Wurm
Affected person, MS patient

star_rating star_rating star_rating star_rating star_rating

Once a week, I train on the balance trainer for an hour or more, depending on my needs. Bends me straight again. The back and hip pain is usually gone again. It brings relief to the whole body and promotes a straight back. And then it’s off into the sun.

Ashley Smith
Gym Manager,
Merlin Neuro Therapy Centre


The THERA-Trainer tigo enable us to exercise in ways we had forgotten due to our diagnosis. Through time we have been able to push our cardio vascular levels and we are feeling the benefit from our weekly exercise class. The bike helps us work on our weaker sides and for some just being able to get the legs moving is a really nice feeling.

Annette Kowalewski
Affected person, MS patient


I wouldn’t want to be without the leg trainer and believe it will help me to maintain my running fitness.

Moving together.

Worldwide, doctors, therapists and, most importantly, patients rely on THERA-Trainer’s unique rehabilitation solutions. Here are some of our trusted partners.


Move: now.

Any questions? Our clinical experts are ready to help.


+1 215-764-3024


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