THERA-Trainer balo is a device specially designed for balance and pre-gait rehabilitation. It is often used in physiotherapy treatment to improve patients’ balance and stability. Here are some typical therapy goals that are pursued with the THERA-Trainer balo:
Increasing stability: By training on the THERA-Trainer balo, patients can strengthen their trunk muscles and the muscles in their lower extremities. This helps improve stability and helps increase control over the body during movements.
Improving postural control and balance ability: The THERA-Trainer balo aims to improve patients’ balance. Through specific training on the device, patients can learn to better control their balance and increase their stability. This can help prevent falls and regain confidence in their balance.
Pre-Gait rehabilitation: The THERA-Trainer balo can also be used to improve patients’ ability to walk. By training on the device, gait patterns can be practiced and coordination of the legs and trunk can be improved. This can be particularly helpful for patients with neurological conditions or after injury.
Fall prevention: An important therapy goal with the THERA-Trainer balo is fall prevention. By training on the device, patients can learn to better maintain their balance and improve their responsiveness. This can help reduce the risk of falls and increase confidence in one’s balance.
Improving functional mobility: The THERA-Trainer balo aims to improve patients’ functional mobility. This includes the ability to perform everyday activities safely and independently, such as standing, walking and negotiating obstacles.
It is important to note that therapy goals should be individualised to each patient’s needs and abilities. The exact goals are set in consultation with the treating therapist to ensure targeted and effective rehabilitation.