
Intensive & acute care

Wake up and move.

For Intensive- and acute care settings, THERA-Trainer offers the latest technologies for in-bed cycling and early mobilisation.



Early mobilisation

ICU-acquired weakness sets in quickly.

There is substantial evidence that supports the role of early mobilisation of critically ill patients. In-bed cycling and early verticalisation within the ICU are proven to reduce length of hospital stay. With the THERA-Trainer early mobility program you make it work – not only for patients but also for clinicians.

“There is no medication to treat prolonged bed rest. The most important thing to shorten ICU and hospital length of stay, is to wake up and get patients moving as early as possible.”


Tobias Giebler

Clinical Expert Intensive Care


Pays for itself.

Early mobilisation can save more than lives.

The medical benefits associated with early mobility interventions can also translate to economic benefits. Recent clinical research suggests that implementing an early mobility protocol can lead to a potential cost saving of an average of 7% per patient in critical care.

Make it work.

Check out our guide to early mobility as an intervention to learn how it works and how technology can support.

Interested in more?Knowledge

Try for yourself.

You want to experience THERA-Trainer in the clinic, practice or at home? Arrange a free demo now.


It’s a match!

Individual solutions and concepts for all phases of rehabilitation.

THERA-Trainer complete solutions are the consistent implementation of evidence-based, clinically proven rehabilitation pathways. We will help you to find the perfect combination of our THERA-Trainer products for your requirements, whether you work in acute care, rehabilitation, inpatient or outpatient care.

Get in touch

What customers say about THERA-Trainer

Sara Abraão
Physiotherapist on intensive care unit


With its accessories, drive technology and safety sensors, bemo is a therapy device that provides safety for both staff and patients. This trainer is therefore a useful device for early mobilisation; it can reduce the time patients spend in intensive care and significantly improve their long-term prognosis.

Inga Braming
Physiotherapist, Managing Director therapy center Rhein Erft


We have coma patients that we put in the dynamic standing trainer. Maybe a bit unusual, but very interesting! Because especially when we bring these patients into the verticalization very important stimuli are given.

Christian Nicole
Clinical specialist in the intensive care unit
in Mendrisio.


Patients leave the ward in a better condition and show better motor recovery. It also has a positive effect on the psyche and results in a quicker breakdown of the medication administered.

Tobias Giebler
Physiotherapist, specialist consultant for early mobilisation in intensive care units


The use of a bed bike in acute hospitals is a win-win situation for patients, therapists, clinics and our healthcare system.

Christian Nicole
Clinical specialist in the intensive care unit
in Mendrisio.


In Mendrisio, the THERA-Trainer bemo was used on both ventilated and non-ventilated, sedated and non-sedated patients – with very good results.

Moving together.

Worldwide, doctors, therapists and, most importantly, patients rely on THERA-Trainer’s unique rehabilitation solutions. Here are some of our trusted partners.


Move: now.

Any questions? Our clinical experts are ready to help.


+1 215-764-3024


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